
When building your business from the ground up, you will want to pay close attention to a few key aspects. One of those aspects needs extra special attention, consistency. The voice of your business, how you interact and help customers or clients, and the services you provide should be consistent across the board. 

Your overall aim should be to provide a consistent and reliable experience through mental imagery that brings about the same feelings time and time again when it comes to your brand and marketing. Everything from your messaging to your stream of content should be consistent. If you waver from what customers expect of you, it leaves the door open for confusion, a lack of recognition, and a loss of credibility.

Consistency Enhances The Customer Experience

Customers expect their experience with your business to be the same every time they visit your website or hire you for services. Take a restaurant as an example. The first time a customer eats there, the food is delicious, the service is fantastic, and the prices are reasonable. The second time they eat there, if that experience isn’t the same—bad food and service with higher prices—chances are they will not feel inclined to return. 

Another example would be your online presence. Your brand should be the same across all your social accounts as well as on your website. The actual key to consistency online is using the adage of quality over quantity. You don’t have to post your message incessantly across every social media platform. You have to keep your content on brand and of the highest quality. High-quality content will give customers the experience they’re seeking instead of the bombardment of content they’ll tune out.

It Builds Brand Awareness, Credibility, and Trust

The clients you’re looking to take on are just like most consumers because they want to purchase or work with a brand that they recognize and trust. This awareness of your brand gives them the confidence and security they need to decide to use your service or buy your product. By continuously providing prospective clients with regularity in your message, content, and way of doing business, clients will feel safe with you. That level of credibility cannot be bought, nor can it be captured without uniformity. Brand colours, quality of content, and everything in between—awareness and credibility depend on consistency.

Once a customer is aware of your brand and sees you as credible, they begin to trust that you are who you say you are and what you offer is what they expect. A recent survey found that trust meant a lot to most consumers, and 71% of people would much rather buy from a company they trust over any of their competitors. Think of consistency as a way to build a professional and trustworthy friendship with your clients.

The Rule of 7

In marketing, the rule of seven states that a customer has to see your brand seven times before them acting on it. It’s thought that it takes that many times for a person to remember your business and feel as though you’re the worthy choice amongst the competition. If at any point during their seven visits to your website or business page things have changed, they may be reluctant to contact you or purchase your product because inconsistencies create confusion. confusion creates doubt. Without consistency, any one of those seven visits could radically alter a person’s choice to choose you as their service or product provider.

Now you know why consistency is a crucial aspect if you want to grow your business. If you aren’t sure where to start or how to keep your brand and marketing consistent, book a call today! We can help you reach the consistency levels required to succeed long-term.