
 Your newsletter allows you to connect with your network. Your network could be clients, customers, or those who have simply subscribed to your email but have not yet jumped into purchasing your products or services. When you have a lacklustre newsletter, there’s a good chance that it ends up in the junk folder eventually. In a worst-case scenario, you may even notice a drop in subscribers. 


That is why it’s vital to create an engaging newsletter that drives people to take action when it comes to purchasing products or services from you and also offers them value. But how do you go about creating the perfect newsletter that takes leads and transforms them into sales?


Keep It Short and Sweet 


Your subscribers are busy people. They have lives that they have to take care of. Because of this, they do not have the time to sit there and read a 10-minute newsletter every week. They want to be able to scan the most relevant information and get what they need out of the content without having to sacrifice too much of their day.


Whatever message you’re looking to convey with your newsletter should be short, sweet, and to the point so that they can get the gist of it quickly and easily.


Don’t Forget To Add Value 


A newsletter explaining products, services, or how your business is progressing is good for the subscribers that wait every week to follow your success. However, this type of newsletter isn’t going to convert leads to sales unless it adds value to the lives of those reading it.


For example, your newsletter can talk about your service, but you want to focus on insight into the services that subscribers may not know about and information they can use in their day-to-day lives. Adding value can also be done by providing a solution to problems that your subscribers have, whether they are aware they have them or not.


Keep Track of Things 


If you send your newsletter in email format, you’ll be able to keep track of how many people actually opened the message and the ideal time you should be sending it. If most of your subscribers open the email and take time to read it over at one specific time during the week, you can use that to your advantage by timing when it’s sent.


You could also utilize areas throughout the newsletter that encourage people to visit your website. If you notice that there are more high-traffic times on your website that correspond with the timing of your newsletter, you are better able to keep track of the high and low periods of traffic and use that data to your advantage.


Reinforce Your Personal Brand 


Your subscribers already know a bit about your personal brand, but an email newsletter allows them to get to know you and your brand on a deeper level. You can use the newsletter as an opportunity to give potential clients or customers an inside look into who you are, what it is you can do for them, and why they should choose your brand over the competition. The overall look and feel should match that of your brand to keep it consistent and continue building that trust.


If you already have a newsletter and think it may need sprucing up, contact us today to book a strategy session. We can help develop a newsletter that engages your subscribers and drives them to do business with you.