
Marketing and real estate go hand-in-hand. After all, word of mouth can only go so far when looking to sell a property. One such tactic, video marketing, is a vital part of marketing strategy that can significantly impact how much interest you can drum up for any given property.

Why is video marketing important?

There is exceptional value in video marketing. It helps to create an immersive experience for digitally-equipped buyers who would rather get to know what’s being offered before even stepping foot in the door.

Using videography is a great way to foster appeal and showcase the home’s unique features that may seem ordinary at first glance. It’s all about visuals when it comes to real estate, so leaving out one of the best visual marketing tactics would be a mistake.

The fundamentals

There are various types of marketing videos you can use to help sell a property. Some types of videos you can use include:

  • Tours and walkthroughs
  • Listing videos
  • Neighbourhood highlights
  • Open house and event promotions
  • Client testimonials to showcase your previous work with happy customers
  • Vlogs providing practical tips for buyers or sellers

Each type serves a specific purpose in the selling process and can be used to further your marketing efforts and get more interest from potential buyers who want to see a property before going to it or know all about the neighbourhood they’re thinking of living in.

Creating compelling content

The best way to create a successful real estate marketing video is to take into account a few content creation tactics. They include:

  • Getting a script written so it sounds well put together
  • Using high-quality equipment to ensure that videos you put together look as good as the home does
  • Add engaging music to help set a mood and invoke emotion in potential buyers
  • Add your brand elements to help with getting your name out there
  • Use recordings of what you do, how you can help, and who you are to build connections with potential buyers before you even speak to them.

During the planning process, choose a good video template, a font that works with your branding materials, and other eye-catching designs to pull people in so they click play.

Maximizing impact

Once your videos are ready to be shared with the masses, you must choose the right platforms to share them at the right time. You want to ensure that your videos have catchy titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords so that they show up on suitable feeds.

Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are all great options, but different approaches are required. For example, hashtags can be used across all three, but you’ll have to know how each hashtag fares against the competition on each platform to choose the right ones. This is where using analytic tools comes in. They can keep track of views, engagement, and click-through rates and help identify success and failure patterns so you can tweak them as necessary to reach your chosen target audience.

Once you nail down which platforms and approaches work best for you, you can boost them using paid ad options.

Using video marketing is a great way to help improve reach, get more interest in properties you have for sale, and build a trusted brand for potential buyers to turn to when they enter the market. If you want to get into the wild world of video marketing but aren’t sure where to start, book a strategy session with us today! We can get the ball rolling and get you off to the races.