
 My husband and I once functioned without any work-life balance. We’re both very passionate about our work, and before our son came along, we were so enthralled in our professional lives that we’d only see each other on weekends and ate most of our meals apart. It was okay for us, but we realized shortly after having our son that something had to change. That’s when I began to think about work-life balance, what it really means, and how everyone can achieve it with a few easy adjustments to their daily routine. 


 You have to know what you want in life to be able to really go out there and get it. This means knowing where to allot both your professional and personal time, how you want your lifestyle to be outside of work, and how to balance the two harmoniously. Ask yourself, “what is my ideal life?” The thing you want will be unique to you and might include lots of time spent with your family or partner, a lovely house to come home to, or living an active lifestyle while not in the office. If you want to live your life in a way that lets you work and play hard, then knowing your core values is critical. They will also help you when you need to make a difficult choice when all aspects of your life require your full attention. 


 The rise of remote work has given many people more freedom to set up an office wherever their heart is. This is where a non-negotiable set of boundaries comes in. Be sure to let your coworkers and clients know how, when, and where you work. The more you allow others to push your boundaries, the more your professional life will seep over into your personal time. You’ll end up unintentionally emailing during dinner time with your family or working until your head hits the pillow. This will lead you to become overwhelmed, exhausted and without any time for yourself. 


 Most people feel a great sense of fear or guilt when they need to approach their boss with a work schedule adjustment. The thing is, how do you know that your boss won’t let you come in a bit later two days of the week so your kids can get safely dropped off at daycare? If you don’t ask the question, you’ll never know the answer. Asking never hurts anyone, and it can lead to better professional communication and overall productivity when both you and your boss or coworkers are on the same page. 


 If you feel like you’re being pulled in a million different directions, then you can’t focus on what you need to do. Both your work life and home life will suffer when you’re pouring from an empty cup. There’s no shame in getting a hand, especially if you’re in a situation where you have a big presentation at the same time that your kids need to be picked up from daycare. If you have a reliable team behind you, you’ll always be prepared for those days when you can’t be in two places at once.


 As Canadians, saying no isn’t exactly in our repertoire. We want to help as much as we can all the time, no matter what. The problem with being the “yes” person is that it can lead to severe burnout, and then everything in your life will suffer. When you get overwhelmed because you’ve said yes to a million things, it’s time to take a step back and look at the big picture. Chances are, you’ve compromised on some core values which send that work-life balance right out the window. You don’t have to say no to everything, but your boss needs help on a non-urgent project the same night you have a family dinner planned, it’s okay to refuse and reschedule an opportunity to help. Prioritize what you value and say yes or no accordingly. 


 You’ve probably heard the saying quality over quantity, and this can ring true for pretty much anything. In life, it’s important to remember that hours don’t account for valuable time spent. If you can’t be home to put your son to bed every single night, then make sure when you are home, you give 100% focus. This will make all the difference. The same standard applies to work, leisure activities, or personal “me-time.” You should be giving everything you value 100%. When you do this, your boss, your family, and your mind will thank you for it. 


 Some of the benefits of achieving a better grasp on how you balance your passions and values in life are a reduction in stress, less time off due to illness, a happier home and work environment, improved customer satisfaction, reduced overall business costs, and improved client and employee retention. 

 Work-life balance is an ongoing practice, and you’ll have to evolve yours over time. Adjustments will need to be made here and there, but if you stand your ground with the above six tips, you’ll be able to balance both beautifully in no time at all.