
Having a heavy workload comes with the territory of starting and running a business. If you’re a small company, you likely don’t have various departments to take care of the different facets of your business, such as accounting, human resources, and content management. Often, business owners do all of this on their own, and unfortunately, with that much on their plate, it can be challenging to put your all into any one task. If that sounds like you, maybe it’s time to consider outsourcing.

Outsourcing a portion of your workload can be a great way to get more done. The simple act of delegating tasks to contractors you can trust to get the job done frees up your time to focus on other aspects of your business that may require your undivided attention. Before you begin outsourcing, it’s best to make sure that you’re doing it effectively.

Clear Communication is Vital 

For a contractor to deliver, they need to be aware of precisely what you need and want. Outlining tasks as clearly and openly as possible will give the contractor the best chance at completing their assigned task right the first time. Without open and clear communication, contractors have to fill the gaps in on their own, leading to extended turnaround times and the failure to produce the work you were hoping for.

Choose Wisely 

It can be tempting to find the most inexpensive contractor to complete specific tasks, but you have to remember; you get what you pay for. Searching for an independent contractor to complete tasks is much like searching for the perfect employee. You want to review their work samples, speak to them before giving them assignments, and make sure that they understand your vision, the task at hand, and your expectations. You want the contractor to fulfill your request. Choosing someone that fits into your business and understands your goals is crucial.  

Be Prepared 

Hiring a contractor to complete tasks for your company can only be done once you’ve figured out what work you have available. You don’t want to hire a contractor and then have them wait for you to sort through your workload to find things for them to do. This lack of preparation is off-putting for the contractor, and it’s also an ineffective way of getting things done. You can start with small tasks to give the contractor something to dive into or begin with more extensive assignments. The type of task is entirely up to you, but you should be prepared to hand it over with clear communication of what you expect, no matter what kind of assignment you’ve landed on. 

Manage your Expectations 

You have high expectations for the work others do for your business. However, when it comes to outsourcing, you need to learn how to manage your expectations. Even the best contractors will not do things exactly how you would, which can sometimes make it seem as if they aren’t quite right for the job. Working with a new person will always require a period of adjustment for both you and the contractor, so it’s essential to keep your expectations of them and the work they produce at a healthy level.

If you’re looking to outsource some tasks for your business but don’t know where to start, book a strategy session with us today! We can teach you the do’s and don’ts of outsourcing so you can optimize your business.