
Consistency in Branding and Why It’s Important

In today’s day and age, branding is crucial to the overall success of your business. After all, a company is only as strong as its weakest branding tactic. When you think of the most successful companies and their branding methods, it’s easy to see just how and why having consistency across your brand is vital.

Trust Building for Profitable Relationships 

Consumers want to know that they can trust the brand they’ve chosen whether it be their choice of instant coffee or the brand of vehicle they choose to drive. Trust is a key factor in profits. When a company’s branding isn’t consistent, it can lead to future customers or clients becoming confused at what they’re seeing or interacting with.

For example, if your logo is sleek, stylish, and all one colour on your webpage, it wouldn’t make sense for that same logo to be completely different on a business card. That inconsistency makes it appear as though you aren’t sure what your company can do for future clients, and if someone sees your business as unsure of itself, why would they trust your products or services?   

Provides a Stable Experience 

Existing and potential clients want to have the same experience, as evidenced by many television providers’ business models. While many new clients get special deals when they sign up, existing clients are stuck paying more for the same services because they have already been loyal to the company for some time. That is just one example of how companies use branding to pull new clients while ignoring the experience of customers that are already there. 

Consistent branding will allow your current clients and any potential clients to experience your brand in a stable and unified way.

Dependability Matters 

People want to depend on brands, and there’s no getting around that. A person doesn’t want to experience the best service during one business interaction and then be thrown for a loop on the next. Keeping your branding on brand, so to speak, will help you convey to clients that they can depend on you to provide exactly what they expect every single time.

It Keeps People Coming Back 

According to the marketing rule of 7s created by Dr. Jeffrey Lant, potential clients need to see your website or branding message at least seven times before they decide to contact you. If you have a brand that is all over the place, chances are future clients won’t make it to that pivotal seventh exploration. 

Without consistent marketing, people are unlikely to continue coming back to check in on your services because inconsistent branding sparks mistrust and a confusing experience.

In terms of revenue, the same rules apply. You want to make revenue but can only do that if you land clients. However, if your branding is inconsistent, people will pass you over for someone they feel is more worthwhile. It’s all about building a stable, trustworthy, and consistent experience for current and potential clients.

If you are looking to ramp up your branding game to make sure that it’s consistent across the board, book a strategy session with us today!